
It’s time to ditch those Excel Spreadsheets and long Email threads you’ve been using to manage all of your company projects and tasks. I love Excel, don’t get me wrong – but it simply is no longer efficient and reliable for project and task management.

It’s time to bring efficiency to a whole new level in order to stay competitive and keep up with our ever-changing business environment. Your Excel sheets lack collaboration features and are too time-consuming. Important emails can get lost in the whole mix of project threads and don’t allow project information to be easily searchable. What does your company need then to add value and increase productivity? Project Management Software, of course, that is also optimized for mobile integration. Read more

We love sharing our favourite productivity apps with our readers. Here are some of the latest free Android & iOS mobile apps that are great for completing tasks, setting reminders, working in groups, and editing documents. Read more

Here are 4 tips to help you simplify your business processes and increase efficiency in the workplace by leveraging business technology. It’s all about choosing the right management system and integrating it with add-ons, like an eCommerce Store and Mobile Applications. See the infographic below: Read more

Nowadays, with the emergence of the cloud and with all the advancements with mobile devices and apps, business owners are always connected to the office. The workday no longer only starts at 9 AM and ends at 5 PM; it can extend well into the evening, early morning and on the weekends. Work can be done from anywhere and at any time. Technology has allowed us to be able to create a ‘Virtual Office’, giving us access to company data and essentially being able to work from home just as if you are at the office. All you need is a smartphone or tablet and a good Internet connection in order to be connected to your management system out of the office. Let’s take a look at the applications required. Read more

Staying Competitive in Business With ITCloud, Social Media, Real-time, mobile, SaaS…all of these technology terms are constantly being spoken or written about. In today’s business world, these tech trends (that are clearly here to stay) are forcing many companies to change their business models. This is because they are having a hard time keeping up with today’s consumers, who are much more informed and connected to society and businesses. Consumers are able to make faster decisions by doing their own browsing and shopping online and in turn have higher expectations. Read more

Upgrading your WebsiteWhile browsing online, it’s common to find many outdated company websites. When asked if these business owners plan to update their sites, they are quick to say no, without fully understanding the negative impact a dated website has on a business. It’s no secret that most consumers search for brands and products online before buying or visiting stores in-person.

Consumers are quick to judge a business, especially if they do not know the brand, by the state of its website. Don’t let an outdated, unattractive website be their first impression of your business. Read more

mobile productivity appsIf you need more organization in your work life, we’ve got the mobile apps for you. In today’s blog, we mention our top 5 Productivity Apps to help you keep track of your hectic workdays. Read more

There are so many IT terms that are flying around every where nowadays that it’s difficult to know which ones are important for a business’ success and which ones are simply short-term fads. After doing the research and dealing with businesses on a daily basis to help improve their IT infrastructures and business processes, we can safely say that the top 4 forces reshaping enterprises for the better are as follows Read more

mobile customersMobile consumers are without a doubt quickly becoming a dominant force in many industries. These consumers are browsing, buying, interacting, and visiting different websites via their smartphones or tablets. This is why businesses as of late are trying to keep up and offer mobile sites and apps to accommodate to this growing mobile consumer market. By giving them the choice and convenience they are expecting, your business will be able to keep up with this mobile trend, which will eventually allow you to target a larger consumer market and increase sales and customers. Read more

Check out an infographic on eCommerce and mobile Commerce Stores, created by our team. Learn about the importance of implementing an eStore for all those online and mobile consumers who love to browse and shop from their desktop computers or mobile devices at any time of the day.

Not sure if your business is running as efficiently as possible? Request a FREE one-on-one consultation session with our in-house experts.

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