Many employees have gotten used to working with several different systems; one for their accounting needs, another for CRM, and another for inventory and on it goes. However, wouldn’t it be easier and better if all employees used one system for all their business needs? Not only would this create a better work environment, it would also help increase sales as it improves visibility and allows employees to better respond to opportunities. Read more
I’m sure we’ve all wondered how nice it would be to work from home. No trudging to work in cramped spaces on public transit or in blizzards or being stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. In recent years however, this dream has quickly become a reality.
Today’s infographic is one created by Socius, offering a great informative guide to the basics of what you need to know about ERP solutions in the cloud.
It’s difficult for many business executives to find the time to begin new projects, especially when it entails implementing a new ERP software solution. Of course, this kind of project takes a lot of planning, researching, overseeing, training and so forth. However, it doesn’t have to be quite so time-consuming if the right IT provider is chosen and a solid plan of action is set in place beforehand.
Here is a quick checklist that can help in a successful software implementation project:
In today’s extremely competitive business marketplace, the efficiency gained by implementing a sufficiently robust enterprise resource planning software solution to link aspects of your network together cannot be overlooked.
Although the ROI tends to be considerably higher after a company uses an ERP to streamline and automate all aspects of its business, the initial costs associated with acquiring the kind of ERP solutions used by large corporations can be prohibitively expensive for the smaller business – which has a much smaller margin of error in an ERP cost benefit analysis. It is because of this expense, and the need to find solutions for SMBs, that there exists ERP software that conforms to the SaaS paradigm. With this in mind, SMBs can now more accurately assess several attributes of low cost ERP solutions:
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Email: support@namtek.ca
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