
Top 3 Popular IT Business Solutions for SMEs

During the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, business leaders began to actively explore new IT solutions to improve business processes in their companies.

Managed cloud services that mean outsourcing IT infrastructure and SaaS solutions have become especially popular over the recent period. They lead to positive change for companies of all sizes, such as:

Cloud Services
  • Overall efficiency. Improving the business processes of the company.
  • Security. Data is stored in a data center with a multi-level access control system and backup.
  • Savings on equipment. There is no need to purchase and update server hardware, as well as the minimum requirements for the devices on which users use the SaaS applications.
  • Possibility of saving on internal IT staff.
  • Mobility. Access to software from any device, as well as the lack of territorial binding.

Below are some of the most popular IT solutions that companies have used in recent years:

1. SaaS ERP Software

SaaS ERP is one of the forms of using ERP Software (Enterprise Resource Planning) when an ERP system is installed not locally on an organization’s server or a user’s computer, but in the data center of an ERP provider. End-users of the company gain access to SaaS ERP and fill it with their data via the Internet.

ERP SaaS solution does not require initial investments, as SaaS (software as a service) is a subscription service based on monthly payments.

A state-of-the-art SaaS ERP solution, such as erpWizard, allows a company to integrate all of its business modules into one software system and provides ongoing maintenance and updates to keep the system up to date.

2. eCommerce and Online Marketplaces

Now, everyone is used to shopping online. Companies have realized that to increase sales and attract more customers, they need to not only operate their own online store but also expand sales channels, through online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and the list goes on.

In today’s e-commerce software market, there are many platforms for building an online store. The most popular e-commerce platforms for building an online store are:

3. EDI Web Service and EDI Fully Managed Services

The use of EDI technology is already standard business practice. Electronic communication with trading partners via EDI is faster, cheaper, and more reliable than exchanging commercial information via paper or email. That is why EDI remains one of the most demanded IT services in the business.

Web EDI is one of the most popular solutions among small and medium-sized companies for the exchange of business documents with a trading partner in electronic form.

This EDI service does not require signing a contract, and you can start exchanging documents with your business partner within an hour.

EDI Web Services

Find out more about EDI Web Service here

The second most popular EDI service is a fully managed EDI service. This EDI translation and communication services for companies of all sizes and industries. All EDI file conversions are performed on our end, thus, you do not need to install software or hardware on your premises or hire any in-house EDI specialists.

Find out more about Fully manages EDI Service here

Integration Services

Integration of software systems is the unification of different systems and applications into a single environment for the constant exchange of data between systems.

The purpose of the integration is that the data that the user enters into one system is automatically transferred to another. For example – integration of ERP with an online store, or EDI integration with ERP.

If you are interested in systems integration, contact us for a free consultation.

Our company is a successful system integrator. Using our unique Magic xpi integration platform, we carry out integration projects of any complexity.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Free IT Consultation

Why companies choose to integrate EDI into their webshop

We like online stores and we like EDI services. By integrating the two, we’ll cherish them both even more.

In most of our blogs, we discuss the benefits of integrating and automating business processes through the use of modern, efficient management systems. With all our customers, we’ve found that the right IT solution can not only affect business growth and productivity, but also affect employee mood and stress levels.

When processes run smoothly, employees are happier and less stressed. They are able to work in a positive environment and can spend their time on important tasks that will contribute to the company’s growth, rather than spending their day entering data into the management system and feeling frustrated and demotivated.

Set up an e-commerce store

So, when we meet business owners who have recently set up an e-commerce store in their company, like the one at Shopifywe explain the possibilities and advantages of integrating this store not only with their ERP management systemif they have one, but also with EDI capabilities.

Many companies may be using all three technologies. They can have a management system that handles their accounting, sales, inventory and purchasing, and also use EDI services to send and receive purchase orders and invoices with their business partners.

EDI to automate processes

What many executives tend to forget is to integrate all these technologies together to further streamline and automate processes, reduce manual data entry and improve efficiency. Why hire more employees to enter new orders from your partners via EDI into your ERP system if you can automatically transfer all orders directly to the system? Why not take advantage of the ability to send orders from your e-commerce platform directly to your suppliers or manufacturers via EDI?

Enhancing the capabilities of a company’s e-commerce platform with EDI capabilities will undoubtedly ensure a better balance between customer demands from the online store and supply chain requirements.

The aim is to exchange real-time information with suppliers quickly and automatically, to ensure that the supply chain is managed as efficiently as possible.

EDI for faster order processing

The aim is to ensure that orders are processed and dispatched quickly to meet consumer needs. This is to offer consumers greater visibility of specific product inventory levels. The aim is to improve communication between distributors, retailers, manufacturers and customers. At the end of the day, what company doesn’t want to increase the speed of order processing and invoice payment receipt, as well as improve overall efficiency to boost sales?

E-commerce stores, EDI services and modern, easy-to-use ERP systems are all on the rise. Many business owners are increasingly interested in the latest business technologies that have the potential to help their company grow and succeed. We invite everyone to integrate all these systems to see great improvements!

Read more of our blogs on e-commerce and EDI integration by visiting our EDI2XML blog page.

What is EDI 846?

The 846 X12 is one of the most frequently exchanged electronic documents between business partners. It is especially important because of the evolution of the drop-shipping business, which has made great strides in recent years, all due to e-commerce and online sales. Basically, this document is derived from the paper document entitled ” Inventory request and advice “. This is a notification sent by the manufacturer to the seller, informing him of stock status and availability. It can also include pricing information.

In other words, this EDI message is for exchanging information on the availability of goods and merchandise.

EDI 846For e-commerce, up-to-date information on the availability of goods is very important. That’s why one of the main EDI requirements for
is the supplier’s ability to transmit an EDI 846 message. This is not just a requirement exclusive to Amazon; other major retailers such as Cabela’s, Wal-Mart, Costco, all have the same EDI requirement, to be able to feed their e-commerce platforms with accurate inventory information.

The EDI 846 document can be sent to trading partners as many times as required. This can be 2-3 times a week, or even several times a day; each retailer has its own requirements. The EDI 846 document enables suppliers to provide information on the trading partners for their products, without forcing them to make a purchase. EDI 846 is also often used to inform trading partners about the availability of goods at reduced prices.

EDI 846 inventory request and usage advice

The other obvious question about 846: who uses EDI 846 other than Amazon and the major e-commerce retailers? The truth is that not only can e-commerce retailers use this EDI transaction to exchange 846 documents, indeed, all trading partners can agree to use it to exchange inventory availability. Here are a few examples:

  • Sellers to provide information on inventory availability to a potential customer.
  • Seller’s representatives to provide the seller with inventory information.
  • A store to provide product availability information to another store.
  • The seller may request an inventory availability report.

What information does this X12 document transmit?

In EDI 846 transmission, inventory location identification, quantity and item description are the basic information included in almost all EDI 846 documents; however, additional information can be added such as:

– Expected quantity

– Number of items already sold

– Quantity in stock

– Pricing information

With EDI 846, online stores can optimize their deliveries. They don’t need to enter data manually into their internal systems, such as ERP. It provides online buyers with precise, real-time information on stock availability. What’s more, it reduces administration and order processing costs, and allows consumers to purchase items without having to keep stock on site.

For more information on how edi2xml cloud services can help you set up your EDI 846 with your trading partners, please contact us.


3 reasons for EDI integration with Shopify

This article was taken from our blog, published on our EDI2XML platform.

Shopping cart Icon on smart phone screen over blur mall

Many times, when I meet business owners and executives, the same question comes up during the discussion: why do companies operating eCommerce stores on Shopify or Magento need to have EDI integration? I decided to publish this post, and explain my points, by identifying the top (3) reasons why businesses running on Shopify, need to comply and integrate with EDI.

What is Shopify?

In a quick description, Shopify is one of the leading Canadian eCommerce platforms offered to clients based on monthly subscription fee, where companies and individuals can subscribe, put up their own items on the eCommerce platform, and start selling to the public. For more information about Shopify, you can visit their website, it has tons of information about how things are done.

Who uses Shopify?

Individuals or companies of all sizes, who want to sell products online to their clients and B2C consumers, are mostly the users of a platform such as Shopify. With less than 100 $ a month, they can start selling products and ship it to their clients.

A word about Drop-Shipping

One important thing to emphasize here is that with the emergence of the online retail and eCommerce over the internet, companies selling products online on platforms such as Shopify, are not necessarily carrying inventory of the products they are selling.

They do receive the order from the consumer online into the Shopify platform (or store), and than they transfer this order to the manufacturing business partner(s) for shipping and delivery, while “white labelling” the packaging delivery. This concept is called “Drop-Ship” (or Drop shipping) in the retail and eCommerce world. The store owner will receive the order from the consumer, who gets paid for the merchandise upfront. The Store owner forward the order to the maker for shipment and direct delivery to the consumer.

What EDI has to do in this context of eCommerce?

As a reminder about EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), it is a set of standards and processes to exchange documents of business nature electronically between business partners. What I mean by business documents is Purchase Order, Invoice. This data exchange can happen in both direction (in and out).

In the context of online sales over the internet on a platform such as Shopify and drop-shipping orders, the EDI comes into play for several reasons:

  • Most manufacturing an major distribution will require a system-to-system integration through some sort of EDI
  • Shipping companies require also integration via EDI
  • Consumer today is very well educated and require to be informed on the status of their orders at every step of the way during the shipping process.

As you notice, all the above requires system-to-system integration between so many heterogenous systems and platforms. All major companies and retailers are well equipped with EDI platforms and standards that they have been investing in developing for years now, so it is the right moment for them to pay off all their investments.

Top (3) reasons why you need EDI integration with Shopify

As you might have noticed from the previous sections, the reasons are very obvious, to have an EDI integration with your Shopify store:

  • If you are in the Drop-Ship business and you are selling online, chances are that your suppliers will impose on you to go on EDI.
  • When you are selling online on Shopify, and you have a high volume of clients, that require to be informed of their orders at any given moment, this is another reason why you need to have EID integrated with your Shopify store

  • In case you are dealing with shipping companies (FedEx, Purolator, UPS…) and you have high volume of shipments daily, you need to integrate your systems and Shopify with EDI

The above are the main reasons for such a need, still more reasons are out there, just wanted to share the most important ones.

But can we integrate Shopify with EDI?

Certainly, it is feasible, we do this every day. With the right team of integrators, that have years of expertise in integrating EDI to any system, there is no going wrong.

JD Edwards, or JDE, is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system by Oracle. There are currently two editions, JDE Enterprise One or JD Edwards World. In many ways, this ERP solution is great for corporate-level enterprises, as it offers many tools and connectors for data integration. One key challenge, however, that companies using a JDE system, no matter its edition, are faced with is the lack of ease for EDI integration within the system. Currently, there is no out-of-the-box integrated EDI solution or connector that would make this process easy, quick and seamless.

JDE EDI integration

Our team has encountered many companies struggling with this inefficiency. As we are not JDE experts, but instead EDI integration experts, we’ve teamed up with our partners at Magic Software Enterprises, who have worked in the JDE world for many years. By leveraging our combined expertise, teamwork and solutions (which will be mentioned below), JDE users can have an EDI integration project that is efficient, successful and within budget.

Therefore, how do we help companies overcome common EDI challenges with their JD Edwards system? By using our popular EDI2XML services, along with Magic Software’s powerful business integration platform called Magic xpi & certified JDE adaptor.


Our team of EDI experts handle the entire EDI portion of the project, where we convert all EDI X12 or EDIFACT documents into the desired format that is requested by the client, such as flat file, XML, CSV, etc. For outgoing files, EDI2XML works by converting the XML / CSV file into the EDI format, requested by the Trading Partner. We take care of all EDI mapping, Trading Partner configuration, XML/CSV/flat file translations, and back and forth transactions with Trading Partners. Visit us at

Read: The Definitive Checklist For Oracle JDE and EDI Integration Projects

Magic xpi for JDE

Magic Software’s xpi platform is an ‘Oracle Validated Integration’ solution that can be used to orchestrate the entire business process, no matter if you are using JD Edwards Enterprise One or JD Edwards World. It comes with a ton of built-in components to build workflows and streamline an entire business flow;

  • Database Gateways to connect with common databases, such as SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Pervasive, MySQL, ODBC, etc.
  • Connectors that allow users to directly connect to JDE, SAP, Dynamics, Salesforce, etc.
  • Triggers & Data Mappers to monitor folders and to map from one file format to another.
  • Connectivity & Messaging through FTP, SOAP, MSMQ, etc.

Therefore, if an incoming EDI document is received by a company, our EDI2XML service will convert this file into the client’s desired format (let’s say XML), then using Magic xpi, will be mapped to JDE by;

  • Creating a step with a Data Mapper
  • Source: XML based on the EDI2XML .xsd (schema file)
  • Destination: the JDE table to feed from the XML format

Once the source and destination are defined, the user can use his or her mouse to drag and drop to map fields from the source to the destination (JDE table).


In this day and age, EDI integration within management systems should be seamless but for many it is not. This is can cause major headaches for managers. Companies no longer want to hire in-house EDI experts when they already have a full team of in-house JDE developers. It’s about time JDE users can rely on an outsourced EDI Integration Partner that will ensure their daily EDI transactions are processed and streamlined, without difficulties.

Call us today  +1 450-681-3009  to learn more about our EDI2XML Service and JDE Integration capabilities with our Magic Software partner.


This article was taken from our blog, published on our EDI2XML platform back in 2014.

eCommerce-IntegrationDo you have your own eCommerce Store, perhaps built with Shopify, or sell your goods online through Amazon, Cabela’s, eBay, etc.? If so, we are quite certain you’ve already been in discussion about how to best exchange data between you and your Trading Partner(s) or between your eCommerce platform and your internal software management system (i.e. your ERP system, CRM (Salesforce)…). In some cases, you may not have much of a choice, as some Trading Partners send their communication requirements prior to beginning a business relationship. For example, partners like Cabela’s or Amazon often push suppliers to be EDI compliant. At that point, it’s time to get in contact with an EDI provider to learn more about this process for your specific business needs.

When it comes to integration between your eCommerce platform and your management system, this process will allow your two systems to interact seamlessly, without any need for human intervention. How it works is that you allow data from the eCommerce system to automatically be sent to your management system, as for example any new online orders, also allow your eCommerce system to receive data from your management system, for example, inventory statuses. This ensures your consumers are well aware of inventory on hand and their orders can be processed right away.

So, if you are unsure of what steps you should take, then I highly suggest you read through the following blog and then contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. Every case is different and it’s best to go over your specific requirements and current capabilities with an integrations expert before making a decision. Of course, we highly recommend eCommerce integration as it improves efficiency, minimizes manual data entry and errors, increases order processing and allows for scalability.

What are some of the different integration methods?

  1. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

As experts of EDI, we’ve written quite a few articles on this topic. This protocol has been around for many years and is used to exchange data between business partners. The data being exchanged in “EDI format” is pre-defined in both format and structure. Trading partners can have their own file specifications. Files can be transmitted using several different types of secured communication protocols such as a VAN, AS2, FTP/sFTP, etc. This method is very popular in the manufacturing, retail, automotive, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

  1. XML

XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is a very common format, used to transfer well-structured data between business partners. It was designed to be self-descriptive allowing users to define their own XML tags to describe the data.

  1. Web Services

Web Services is a method of communication between 2 electronic devices over a network. It uses the Internet as a communication and transport protocol and the XML language to format the data transmitted back and forth.

So, which method is best for your eCommerce integration project? Well, that of course depends on your specific business needs. It’s important for companies to analyze their technical capabilities and ensure it aligns well with their business requirements;

  • Does your internal IT team have any experience and expertise with any of the above integration methods? If so, which method are they more familiar with? If you don’t have an internal IT department, contact your IT provider and explain your business needs. They’ll suggest the best method for your specific case.
  • List the technical advantages of using one method over the others.
  • What are the costs for both of these options, for your specific case?
  • What is the timeframe to get setup for these options, for your specific case?
  • Are you already EDI-compliant due to requests from other Trading Partners? If so, EDI may be your best best.

If you’ve chosen EDI to be your integration method, then here is a list of questions to answer before speaking with an EDI consultant, so they’ll know exactly how best to help you;

  • What system(s) do you currently use to manage your business operations? (if any)
    • Do you use one fully integrated management system or multiple systems for various business functions? For example, Quickbooks for your Accounting, Hubspot for your CRM/Sales, etc.
    • If you use multiple systems, are these systems integrated with one another? If not, are you manually inputting data in one system, then doing the same task in another system and so forth?
  • What is your current workflow (at a business level)? If you can draw it that would be best!
  • How many warehouses do you have? (if any)
  • How many SKUs do you have, that will be used for EDI purposes?
  • Are you currently shipping your goods to DCs (Distribution Centers) or doing Drop-Ship? (or both, depending on the retailer)
  • Are you capable of extracting an accurate inventory status from your current inventory management system?
    • If so, can this be automated to produce this status multiple times a day, if needed?
  • Can you do pick/pack with your current inventory management system?

Jot down the answers to these questions, then contact us. We’ll be happy to help you with your eCommerce integration needs.

process-improvement-checklistIt’s already nearing the end of 2016. Crazy how fast time flies! For many people, this time is the busiest, filled with corporate events, family gatherings, holiday shopping, vacations and more. For many businesses, especially in the retail industry, it’s also one of their busiest times of the year. However, there are those industries or companies where December is a quiet month, making it the perfect time to look ahead and plan for the upcoming year. It’s when executives can finally set aside a few hours or days to establish and finalize next year’s budgets, prioritize upcoming projects, assess employee performance and review goals and benchmarks for the following year. What our consultants always encourage is to also set some time aside to review business processes and determine which ones aren’t working well anymore. For example, are you noticing an increase in unhappy customers, an increase in manual data entry, duplicated work, an increase in costs, missed deadlines, frustrated, and unproductive employees…? If so, it’s definitely time to improve the processes that don’t work and are leading to these problems.

In today’s world, things can change in an instant. Therefore, your business processes may have been efficient 5 years ago (or even one year ago!), but today, they are considered inefficient or outdated due to new technology, new goals, industry or consumer changes, etc.

So what can you do about it?

We’ve compiled an End-of-Year Checklist for you so that you can overcome challenges and improve outdated processes for 2017;

  • Write down the main problems/challenges you’ve noticed this past year;
    • Where are costs going up? Where are most of the delays occurring? How come customers or suppliers are growing more unhappy? Why are deadlines constantly missed? Why are errors increasing? …
  • Analyze these processes. Focus on either one or many of these problem areas and make them your priority for 2017. A great way to really understand what’s going on is to speak directly with the employees who are affected by the processes and get their feedback on why things aren’t working so well anymore. Perhaps they have an idea on how to improve them. It’s critical that you and everyone involved understand exactly what these specific processes are meant to do before addressing the problems and redesigning the processes.
  • Restructure those inefficient processes; brainstorm with your team and jot down all the ideas to solve these problems. Many companies refer to a consultant during this step, to help them find possible risks and points of failure of each possible solution.
  • The next step involves securing the resources required to implement change (change = new processes or process alterations required to improve efficiency & solve current challenges/issues). Do you need to hire someone new? Do you need to implement new software applications or outsource an IT provider for their services? Whatever it may be, now’s the time to set the budget (make sure it’s a realistic budget!).

For example, let’s say you realized that costs rose with the increase in incoming purchase orders in 2016. Perhaps this was due to hiring more sales reps to input all of these orders into the management system. Now you have more salaries, more manual data entry, and in turn more errors (human errors are likely to occur with data entry). With more errors in customer orders, there are more unsatisfied customers. What is a possible solution to this problem? Reduce the manual data entry or human intervention when it comes to incoming purchase orders through the use of an automated and integrated Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) service. With EDI, incoming Purchase Orders (POs) can be integrated directly into your management system. No human intervention required! This then reduces errors, plus improves the speed in which orders are processed and delivered to customers. A new budget will then be required for 2017 for an EDI integration project.

Going through the above checklist before the New Year will allow you to see real improvements next year. Now’s the time to ensure that your processes are effective and streamlined, your employees are productive, happy and properly trained, customers are satisfied and the technologies used are up-to-date, simple and a good fit for your business. We find too many businesses with complex software solutions, at which point their executives then wonder why their processes are so complex. By 2017, companies will look to have more affordable, flexible and simple solutions in order to have more agility for change. Set your plan and realistic budgets in order to benefit from efficient, streamlined processes.

In today’s business world, the right technology can make a world of difference. IT experts are always pushing to install the best hardware, software, IT services and cloud applications to simplify the lives of business people. This year has been another big year for IT advancements and we couldn’t be more excited about that. We love seeing businesses leverage technology with the right solutions for them, in order to benefit from efficiencies and cost savings.

Here are our most popular and most requested management software solutions and services.

EDI2XML Translation Service

Year after year, we keep seeing an increase in demand for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) services. Business executives don’t want to hire a full-time in-house EDI specialist anymore to handle their EDI transactions. Nor do they want to hire more customer service reps to manually enter all incoming purchase orders anymore. Many retailers and suppliers are now requiring that any company they do business with must send and receive documents, like Purchase Orders Invoices and Advance Shipping Notices, via EDI.

Companies today are looking not only to implement EDI but to automate this entire process with an outsourced EDI provider. This is why our EDI2XML Translation Service has been one of our most popular services this year. We handle our customers’ EDI requirements from A to Z; we convert their incoming EDI documents into their preferred file format, such as XML (and convert their outgoing XML documents into EDI), as well as handle all new Partner and document setups and manage their continuous communication with their Trading Partners. Our service is affordable, our setup phase is quick and our EDI support team is easily accessible and available; making it the perfect EDI service for any business.

EDI2XML Translation Service

Try it for yourself today!


QBR Business Continuity

With ransomware cyberattacks increasing worldwide, it’s not unusual for business executives to come running, asking about our QBR solution. Using the latest technology on the market, this Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery solution is THE best way to protect your data from hardware/software failures, human error, natural disasters, ransomware, computer viruses and more.

No matter the disaster, QBR allows you to recover your data quickly and easily. Businesses can no longer afford to incur downtime that lasts days or weeks, only to later realize that their old, dusty backup tapes haven’t been working for months! With on-site and off-site virtualization, ransomware detection, advanced screenshot verification emails, infinite cloud retention, unlimited agent licensing, instant recovery of entire servers/workstations and more, a company’s data is well protected!

QBR Business Continuity

Learn more about QBR here.

Management Software Solutions – The ErpWizard Suite

We are definitely still seeing a demand for complete Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the business world. The demand comes from companies that either don’t currently use IT systems to manage their business operations, but instead still use Microsoft Office tools like Excel and Word, as well as companies looking to update their outdated, complex, expensive ERP software.

The transition to a simple, modern ERP system, like our homegrown system – The ErpWizard Suite, has allowed companies to increase visibility into their operations, improve data quality, reduce manual data entry, improve customer service and increase productivity. At the end of the day, when a company has found the right ERP system and Software Provider for their business, they can automate and streamline their processes and improve business agility and performance. That’s the goal of any ERP system. Unfortunately, not many companies realize these benefits at the end of their software implementation (you’d be surprised how many companies don’t even successfully make it to the end of their implementation!).

Technology in the workplace is meant to make business people’s lives a whole lot easier, which is why executives are realizing the importance of a helpful, available, and accessible support team, a flexible, easy-to-use system, and affordable IT costs.

ERP system qualities

Here are some of the main qualities of an ERP system that business executives are looking for:

  • Flexibility
  • Can easily integrate with other systems
  • Is effortlessly accessible from anywhere, at any time to allow users to stay in touch with business operations, even while on vacation or on a business trip
  • Easy to use, with a simple, modern interface
  • Is continuously updated to accommodate to the ever-changing business environment
  • Is well supported by an available and accessible IT support team
  • Is affordable !!

This year we have been especially excited about our newly improved ErpWizard Suite. Now, with its new modern, sleek interface, end users will actually enjoy using an ERP system. It’s about time companies moved away from those complex, boring looking, out-dated systems and towards simple, visually appealing management applications, that won’t break the bank.

What do you think of ErpWizard’s new look?

WIMS 2.0 – Warehouse Management


Warehouse Management is another popular software solution, usually integrated within a company’s ERP system. This system allows for better visibility and control of all warehouse activity, which is an absolute must today. A Warehouse Management system allows businesses to know;

  • What’s been delivered and when

  • Where all items are stored in the warehouse facility

  • Which items to pick and how much to pick for delivery

  • The right items to pack using the right shipping cartons and materials

  • What items to ship and where to ship them

All of this is exceptionally important in order to reduce operating expenditures, increase data accuracy, shorten fulfillment lead times, move inventory faster and increase data accessibility. By using wireless scanners, this inventory data collection system is truly bringing better control and insight into warehouse processes. If a company’s warehouse is in order, customers are better served and happy!

Business Intelligence & AnalyticsBI

A big favourite among our customers is our Business Intelligence offering. Our Business Intelligence experts are integrating Tableau Software’s BI solution into our customer’s management system in order to provide detailed analyses with customized drillable dashboards, using all real-time data. Our customers are now able to identify hidden trends and strategic information, turn raw data into visual graphs and tables, identify new business opportunities, spot areas of weakness and avoid problems. The insights that our customers are getting from this Business Intelligence solution is giving them the ability to stay ahead of competition.

Contact us to see how our Business Intelligence experts can help you!

The Best Management Software Solutions

mobile-app-1We are certain that demand for these management solutions will only increase, as executives are actively looking to transform their businesses using the latest technologies on the market. We predict that mobile business applications will make this list next year, as business owners are looking to supply their on-site teams with access to their management system to input and review real-time data. Modern, visually appealing, easy to use applications don’t just have to be for personal use; companies should be benefiting from these types of applications as well! One thing is for certain; businesses are looking beyond the brand name when it comes to software systems and taking the time to ensure that the Software Provider and offerings are a good fit for their company.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help YOU.


documentIt’s no secret that our EDI2XML team enjoys helping companies increase efficiency, improve partner relationships, speed the flow of goods to customers and improve shipping accuracy by enabling them to easily exchange documents electronically between trading partners. (“EDI communication advantages”).

But how do they do this, and for how much? We want our customers to fully understand the processes involved in our EDI translation service and all the costs involved. It’s all about providing a service to businesses so that they benefit fully t and don’t have to cause them any more problems, queries or headaches. So let’s start at the beginning;

What is EDI2XML as a service and how does it work?

This EDI service is beneficial for companies that don’t have an in-house IT or EDI team, or are planning to downsize their IT department. This service enables our team of EDI experts to act as an intermediary between your company and your trading partners (Suppliers). First we set you up to start exchanging with your associates, then once everything is configured and ready to go, you’ll be able to send and receive EDI documents automatically with minimal human involvement.

EDI configuration

The initial configuration for trading partners and the EDI documents to be exchanged include the following:

  • Analyze EDI project requirements and needs
  • Build and establish connectivity between your platform and ours
  • Define the folder structures to be transferred and build the translation engine
  • Build the engine that will return all incoming documents from the business partner and convert them into your predefined preferred format
  • Setting up accounts for all business partners on our platform
  • Ensure proper installation by communicating with all business partners
  • Configuration of partner document specifications
  • Comprehensive data and connectivity testing

In our experience, this phase usually takes between 1 and 3 weeks, depending on the customer’s requirements. Usually the follow-up, the comings and goings, the tests with business partners and any integration requirements can take longer. (for example, if the job requires a lot of custom work).

The setup usually consists of a one-off fee, based on the time and effort involved.

Monthly communication service

Once everything has been set up correctly, documents can begin to be transferred. All incoming files (such as purchase orders) will be converted to the required file format and deposited on your FTP site (or integrated directly into your management system), and all outgoing files (ASNs and invoices) will be converted to EDI format and sent to Le partenaire commercial. For this service, there is a monthly fee comprising the total monthly volume transferred (based on the total number of Kilo characters) and our EDI2XML mailbox.

Nowadays, being EDI compliant is a necessity, and fortunately EDI is no longer complex, time-consuming and costly. The EDI2XML translation service is fast, easy and affordable, and perfect for the needs of your SME.

For more information on our EDI translation service, read our blog entitled “Understanding EDI as a service”, which you can find on the company’s blog page.

If you’re looking to do business with major retailers like Sears, Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, HBC, Amazon, etc., then you’ll definitely needEDI. Today, most major retailers require their trading partners to exchange all documents, such as purchase orders , invoices and ASNs, electronically[EDI]. This can be a major concern at first, but once you find the right EDI supplier (at the right price), everything will become very quick and easy. (To find out what is involved in the configuration of EDI accounts by EDI suppliers, read this article.)

Be EDI-compliant

So, to become EDI compliant, you first need to determine how you want to progress in this area. Do you currently have an IT department with EDI experience? In this case, all you need to do is purchase an EDI translation tool to convert all incoming EDI documents into a suitable format for easy integration into your management system. If not, and you’re not prepared to hire an in-house IT team with EDI experience, you’ll need to consider partnering with an EDIprovider who can manage EVERYTHING for you. “All” includes all EDI mapping servicesWe offer a full range of EDI services, including trading partner configuration, standard maintenance, XML / CSV / TXT translation, integration with your ERP application, sending and receiving of EDI documents from your trading partners, and the deposit and collection of all XML / CSV / TXT files to and from your EDI mailbox.

Then determine which documents your business partners will ask you for, and which they will send you. Will it only be an incoming PO and an outgoing invoice? Do they need an ASN? At this stage, it’s also very important to define the format you’ll need the incoming documents to convert to. Is it XML? CSV? TXT?

Other important questions to ask your business partners at the outset include:

  • What communication protocols do they need (if any)? AS2? VAN?
  • What EDI standard do they use? ANSI ASC X12? EDIFACT? (In North America, the standard generally used is X12)
  • What are the specifications of their documents? (Most probably they send a document with all their specifications).
  • Any other rules and/or guidelines they have for starting to exchange documents electronically with them?

Once you know the basics of your EDI requirements, it’s time to speak with an EDI consultant (or talk to your EDI supplier) to establish the exact EDI flow for your business. At Namtek Consulting Services, our EDI experts are here to assess your EDI business needs and ensure that our services are right for you. If you need direct EDI integration into your Salesforce, JDE, IBM AS400 or eCommerce systems, they can handle it! If you’re simply looking for us to translate incoming and outgoing documents and hand them over to your team for further processing, this can also be arranged. Whether it’s your business partner Sears, Wal-Mart, Costco, HBC, Amazon, Meijer, Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Loblaws or Target, you’ll be well prepared to do business with them on time and on budget. See the list of our current business partners, but note that we can add any partner at any time!

To see prices for our EDI2XML translation service, click here.

Contact us for a free EDI consultation today!


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