Love/Hate Relationship: Business Executives & ERP Implementation Projects

ERP Implementation; two words many business people do not like to hear. Most often than not it is because of horrible past experiences; previous implementation projects either went ridiculously over budget, took too long or the system turned out to bring more problems than solutions.
Let’s start from the beginning…
What is an ERP Implementation Project?
In simple terms, it is a project to implement a fully integrated management software solution. However, here’s the common misconception; many business managers believe this is a project just for the IT team or IT provider: WRONG. When a company has decided to implement an ERP solution, they are beginning a business project, where the entire enterprise is affected (Click to Tweet). All affected parties are involved and only if they all work together will this project run smoothly, efficiently and on time.
How do I know I need an ERP Solution?
The toughest part for any business manager is realizing that there is a problem to begin with (Click to Tweet). Employees get used to doing work a certain way that they do not take a moment to question if this way can be improved. It simply takes a moment to sit back, think about how you do business and accomplish your daily tasks and question it. Can it be done faster? Can it be automated? Can we find a better way to communicate between departments? And the list goes on. The more you question, the more problems you will find. At this point, start your reading to find solutions to all of these problems.
What do I look for once I’ve realized I need an ERP Solution?
Below is a list of a manager’s priorities undertaking their 1st implementation project at a company:
- Cost of the software solution
- Ease of implementation of the new system
- Ease of use of solution (user-friendliness)
Businesses that have already gone through one or more software implementation projects have the following priorities:
- Level of user support from the software provider
- Software provider’s references
- Adaptability of the software to the company
It is quite clear how priorities change after a company has gone through their first software implementation. Executives realize what is truly important to ensure a job well done – the amount of support offered and given to business employees so everyone can work together (Click to Tweet). Costing should obviously be considered but it should not be top priority when thinking of the project as a whole. Remember, this isn’t just an IT project; it is a project for the entire enterprise. The ERP system is being set up to allow all employees from all the different departments to work more efficiently.
What are the Benefits of Implementing an ERP system?
Competitive advantage
Company growth
Integration of business processes
By now, you’ve done your research, and you’ve seen the many benefits associated to fully integrated business software solutions. At this point however, you may be feeling that this sort of project will take up too much of everyone’s time and of the company’s resources: WRONG again. After over 14 years in the business, my colleagues have been part of countless implementation projects and all have gone smoothly and right on budget.
Therefore, it is important to remember to find the right software provider who will be available for any IT and business support and think of the long-term benefits and savings (Click to Tweet).