Mobility, efficiency and ease-of access are the hallmarks of some of today’s most successful companies. Finding software platforms that help you accomplish these things – without spending a fortune – can positively enhance your distribution network. Given these new considerations, the WIMS Mobile 2.0 software seeks to help your business streamline operations by enhancing your warehouse management; additionally, the centralized theme of WIMS is to connect you fully to the increasingly web-oriented business marketplace. To accomplish this, WIMS Mobile supplies you with real-time information on the status of your inventory, as well as other aspects of warehouse activity. You can remotely scan bar-coded items and track shipments, providing you with almost « hands-on » control from a distance.
WIMS 2.0: Paving the Way to Enhanced Integration
The flagship version of NAMTEK Consulting Services’ WIMS Mobile software was web-oriented from the start, as a part of the remote warehouse management revolution; WIMS is a standalone product that can be teamed with the erpwizard software for even greater oversight of company communications and management. Whether your inventory tracking is confined to wireless communication with private company servers (WAN), or you’ve opened them up to the internet for access by employees (WAN), WIMS is yet another service in the SAAS model that facilitates the running of your business by eliminating outdated methods of stock and inventory tracking (manual labor involved in spreadsheets, etc.) and opening up warehouse management to the wonders of wireless control.

WIMS 2.0: Benefits and Improvements
The new-and-improved version of WIMS 2.0 goes beyond the novelty of simply being web-based – although that attribute alone was significant for the many businesses that benefitted from being freed of the physical constraints of carrying out warehouse management from within their offices – with significant updates:
Enhanced security for your information in transit. Multiple layers of data protection now make your wireless signal’s LAN/WAN transit a very hard shell to crack.

Customer suggestions and general quality control has made the new WIMS interface a paragon of
user-friendliness. You can be up-and-running very quickly, with a dashboard that walks you through the program step-by-step.
WIMS 2.0 employs the web and language-friendly XML SOAP protocol to rapidly send and receive data, which is why you can track inventory and warehouse details in real-time. The performance increase in the updated version is noticeable, with significantly lowered transit times for data transfer through LAN/WLAN.
WIMS 2.0 : the real-time mobile WMS solution for enterprises
NAMTEK’s WIMS Mobile offering is bilingual, with a user dashboard written in English or French. The real-time processing ability isn’t slowed down by its ability to track multiple warehouses; with all the various functions this entails:

Track the output of your employees for efficiency

Track your merchandise by a variety of factors

Manage the locations and receiving elements of merchandise

The core of warehouse management: an accounting of your inventory at any moment

Internet-enabled dashboard from which to control and assess all aspects of multiple operations
As with other business management solutions, WIMS is largely industry-independent; and, despite its many attributes and robust functionalities, it isn’t a lumbering beast: the software can adapt quickly to shifting business considerations and paradigms. In the meantime, while being utilized for the current rules of warehouse management, WIMS 2.0 Mobile continues the tradition of its predecessor in keeping your operating costs well under control, without sacrificing customer relationship management and the service that goes with it. With its ability to reduce costs, increase the transitory speed of your inventory and increase employee productivity, WIMS Mobile is understandably the preferred inventory management tool of the small and medium-sized business.Whether you choose an on-premise package or a cloud subscription, prepare your business for maximum productivity, award-winning efficiency and increased ROI—with the WIMS mobile 2.0 fully integrated to erpWizard, the ERP business solution suite.