How the latest Business Continuity Solutions Have Changed the Way We Backup & Restore Company Data

Technological advancements have truly changed the way businesses are able to backup and restore their sensitive company data. The demand shifted from simply needing a backup system to a backup AND restoration solution. This is because, in today’s fast-moving, dynamic and competitive business environment, traditional backup methods, like tapes and drives, are simply not enough. Business people need to know that: 1. Their backups are working properly and are taken at multiple times a day and 2. They can easily and quickly restore any and all lost data (be it a single file or an entire server) at a moment’s notice. Read more

If you are looking into getting into business with large retailers like Sears, Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, HBC, Amazon, etc., then you will most certainly require EDI. Nowadays, most large retailers demand that their Trading Partners exchange all documents, like Purchase Orders, Invoices, ASNs, electronically [EDI]. This may seem like such a hassle at first but once you find the right EDI Provider (at the right price), it’ll all become quite easy and quick. (To know what’s involved in the setup of EDI accounts by EDI Providers, read this article.) Read more

Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI) are some of the latest trends in today’s business world. You may be wondering why all of a sudden analytics is such a big deal, since analyzing data, to gain valuable information, has been around for many, many years. Here’s why

User Training for New ERP Implementation – Done Right!

In many of my previous articles, I repeatedly mentioned the term “user resistance” when it came to implementing a new software solution at a company (no matter its size). I tend to put quite a bit of focus on user resistance since this happens all too often at companies and it can easily be stopped (with a bit of work of course)! Read more

What’s the most important aspect when choosing a new Software Solution

Choosing a new, upgraded ERP Management System for your company can be a long process – usually lasting about 12 to 15 months, depending on the size of the company. Most top-level managers dread this process, which is one of the many reasons they tend to stick with their out-dated systems for so long. Read more

What is EDI “as a Service”? At Namtek Consulting Services, we have been providing a service called EDI2XML Translation Service. As many already know, EDI requires expertise and knowledge in the field; not any IT professional can handle a full EDI project. This often makes it difficult when businesses are told by suppliers or retailers […]

Inventory!!! Here’s my answer in one simple phrase: Track your stock properly!

This may seem like such an obvious thing to do if you are in the Manufacturing industry but funnily enough, there are still tons of companies out there that are not tracking their inventory correctly or with the proper tools. These companies are then left with either too much or too little inventory. How can this affect their business? Read more

We know signing on to do a major software upgrade at your company is a big deal. We make sure our customers do not treat this process lightly as there are many factors that need to be considered prior to any software implementation  However, nothing should stop you from going through with this improvement, since, after all, it IS an improvement. Read more

The Initial Transition to a New Software System

The implementation of any new software system can always seem a little daunting at first. What’s important to remember (and keep reminding yourself) is that this phase of any software project doesn’t have to be so terrible. Typically, what can take the most time is the initial transition from the old system to the new (or in many cases, from NO system to A system – this is when companies have been relying primarily on using Excel Spreadsheets, Word documents and Email). During this initial transition we have a ‘Learning Period’, where, of course, employees need to learn how to actually use the new software application.

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Last week, we published an article explaining why proper business data protection should be taken seriously in this day and age. Today, I will dig a little deeper and go over 4 main questions every business executive should ask him/herself in order to assess if their current backup and recovery process and solution are effective and complete to reduce or even eliminate downtime. Read more