Nowadays, many businesses, small or large, input and store their data in some kind of system(s), like a CRM system, an Accounting software, a Warehouse Tracking system, or a fully integrated ERP management solution. Unfortunately, these companies, who rely so heavily on these systems and on having real-time data, still trust their backup tapes, disks or online methods. In this case, how safe is their business data from being lost due to an unexpected crisis or disaster? From our experience, not safe at all! Read more
We couldn’t be more in love with Business Intelligence tools, like Tableau Software. In a previous blog about BI, we mentioned how much our customers are loving their BI dashboards integrated into their ERP system (click here to read the full article). In order to provide a brief overview of Business Intelligence, we created a Slide Presentation (also available on LinkedIn SlideShare) full of BI’s objectives, benefits and how to get started using this tool.
Click on the presentation below to view all 9 slides. [Enlarge the presentation for best results]
It’s unfortunate that most business people we encounter today have a story to share about their previous ERP software implementation experience and it’s almost never a positive one. Why does this keep happening? Read more
Ever take a step back to analyze your business workflow and processes? Do you know if your business is efficient? If you aren’t sure, here’s an infographic with a list of questions to help you assess if your business if efficient or if improvements need to be made to allow your company to grow and succeed. If you need more help with this analysis, contact us for a free consultation. Read more
Our team at Namtek Consulting Services are huge fans of Business Intelligence & Analytics tools. We’ve seen first hand what these tools can do for our customers, after integrating our ERP solution, ErpWizard, with Tableau Software’s BI dashboards.
ErpWizard gathers all the company’s data in one place and the BI tool picks up the key information to turn it into visual graphs and tables in order to better discover insights and gain an understanding of this data. As we’ve explained in our previous articles, it isn’t enough anymore to simply store your data in one safe database. Managers and executives need to analyze this data to gain better insights into their company and their industry. Business Intelligence solutions allow these business people to create visualizations and dashboards to understand the data VISUALLY. Read more
Take preventative measures to ensure your company’s data is kept safe.
Follow the following 5 measures below:
Companies are relying more and more on technologies and for good reason. The power of software automation and integration can enhance a company’s overall efficiency and improve B2B and B2C relationships. One such example comes with the integration of EDI and eCommerce Read more
In ErpWizard, NAMTEK’s fully integrated ERP Management System, there is an automated mechanism, in which users can verify customer sales and credit limits. A customer’s credit limit is verified every time a sales order is pushed to the Pick/Pack process, only IF the end-user had previously configured a credit limit for that client.
In today’s post, I will guide you through the entire credit checking process in ErpWizard… Read more
Today’s infographic goes on to explain six considerations for an ERP software implementation, in order for it to be successful. The following findings were taken from University of Colorado’s “System Implementation Success Factors; It’s not just the Technology” by Paula Vaughan. Read more
Our previous article spoke about the secret to a successful ERP implementation. This ‘secret’ was something many businesses tended to either ignore or overlook and in many cases, was the deciding factor for the success or failure of the implementation.
Today’s Slide Presentation, also found on our SlideShare profile, will briefly mention five other steps to follow in order to have a smooth, successful ERP implementation. These easy steps will allow companies to eliminate highly stressful and negative environments at companies during system implementations (where new business processes and system changes are often introduced and perhaps not fully welcomed by all employees just yet).
Click on the presentation below to view all 24 slides! [Enlarge the presentation for best results]
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