Entries by Tatyana Vandich

erpWizard’s General Ledger Module Part 1/4 [How To]

Today’s erpWizard guide is all about the GL Module. As it is an extensive module in our fully integrated ERP software solution, it has been broken down into four parts. Today’s article features the first section where I will go on to explain how to setup your GL Periods, GL Accounts and Company Departments.

The Attractiveness of an eCommerce Store

In this day and age, the concept of owning an eCommerce Store is at the back of many business owners’ mind. Should I implement an eStore? Is it worth it? Will it attract new customers for my business? All of these are valid thoughts and concerns before diving into a new business project. However, it’s […]

Mobility in the Workforce [FUN Friday Infographic]

  Someone once asked me what ‘Enterprise Mobility’ is. My response was the following: ‘It’s obvious there has been a shift in business practices; more people prefer to use their mobile devices, such as their smartphone or tablet, to conduct daily tasks. What Enterprise Mobility offers is just that; employees can access their company’s management […]

The Modern Backup Solution: Business Continuity [FUN Friday]

Business executives normally don’t think twice about their backup system – it is something that has been part of the regularroutine of many businesses for quite some time now. Traditional backup software is typically a software program that works along with a media, like a backup tape or an external hard drive. However, nowadays, backup […]

Consumers & mCommerce: High Expectations

  In many of Namtek’s previous articles, we mentioned the popularity of Mobile Commerce, or mCommerce, amongst consumers. However, a recent study done by research firm Reputation Leaders, concluded that consumers between the ages of 18 and 64 from 15 of the world’s largest markets are expecting businesses to have mobile-optimized eCommerce sites but are […]

The Modern Consumer of 2015 [FUN Friday]

It’s obvious that the way consumers nowadays engage with businesses has changed. According to Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff, “every century or so, fundamental changes in the nature of consumption create new demand patterns that existing companies can’t meet unless they applied imagination to see beyond what they’re selling today” (Forbes, 2014). Companies need to be […]

Understanding Common Barriers Involved In ERP Implementation Projects

 It is not uncommon for many enterprises to hit on problems during an ERP implementation project. The project can either go over budget, surpass the expected time frame, or simply fail altogether. I recently stumbled upon a great article, called ‘Top Barriers to ERP Success’ on IT Toolbox by author Rick Cook, on the barriers […]